Going in circles

Monday, 7 November 2011
I have had that feeling before.
Like an airplane in the sky whose landing has been delayed; like the Israelites that spent 40 years in the desert for a journey that could have taken them 11 days only.
Another week has passed and I feel like my design is not moved forward.
I just have lack of ideas...
I fear that if I don't get that flash of genius - a sudden inspiration, I am kind of stuck.
I dread the idea of having to produce just another design. Something  that is short of the 'extraordinary'.
A boring design.
But where to start? Doodling and sketching is good, but I even lack the ideas of what to doodle!
How to find the inspiration?
To do list:
Go through magazines: Frame, Blueprint, FX, IdFX etc.
Research finishes: stones, carpets, wall paper, ceilings, furniture, etc.
Go for a walk in an inspiring building. Maybe go to the Royal Baths.
Any other ideas???